Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (AJUMS), School of Dentistry is the state's only dental school and the only dental school in the southern tier of Khuzestan province (Southwestern of Iran). We are a regional resource to five provinces for dental education, consulting services, patient treatment, and ongoing continuing dental education. The AJUMS School of Dentistry was founded in 1991 and began its academic life in 1996 with 120 students. Currently, due to the qualitative and quantitative expansion of its activities, it has become one of the most outstanding schools of dentistry at the Khuzestan province. There are now 600 students of dentistry, 535 undergraduate students, 64 post-graduate students. In the latest evaluations by the Specialist & Educational Dentistry Council, and considering all standards and indexes for the scores obtained, AJUMS School of Dentistry has obtained the highest scores, regionally. The AJUMS School of Dentistry has reached a valid and reliable place at the regional level due to its highest quality offered in different fields of dentistry.
Address: School of Dentistry - Jondishapour Medical Science University - Golestan Highway - Ahwaz.Khuzestan - Iran
Tel: 061-33205168
Fax: 061-33205320
Email: fdentistry@ajums.ac.ir
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